Family-run care providers Coate Water Care provides expert respite care in our nine highly-rated residential care homes in Swindon, Wiltshire, Devizes, Gloucester, Hampshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire.

What is respite care? Basically, it’s when we look after a person for a short period of time in one of our lovely residential care homes while their at home carer enjoys a well-deserved break.
Are you a carer for a loved one either in their own home or in your home? Looking after an elderly loved one, especially a loved one living with dementia, can be a challenge. After eighteen months of lockdown with all the restrictions that entailed, it has been particularly difficult for people caring for relatives or loved ones who have been housebound for long periods.
Respite care in a residential care home provides short-term, temporary relief to people who care for family members. Many families take great pride in providing care to their loved ones who because of this valuable support can carry on living in their own homes. However, the physical, emotional and financial consequences for the caregiver can be overwhelming without support. Respite provides a well-earned break for the family caregiver and can also offer a positive experience for the person receiving the care.
Respite care is available for people who are usually looked after by a relative or carer at home or have been in hospital and require convalescence care following discharge.
Coate Water Care provides a wide range of respite options, and crucially, will always tailor respite care to the individual needs of the carer or family member. These might include round-the-clock respite care, therapeutic respite day care, respite rehabilitation, respite physiotherapy, special dietary provision or even the services of a sitter-companion. The key thing is to sit down with us and tell us exactly what kind of respite care your loved one needs.
If you decide that respite care in one of our residential care homes is something that could work for you and the person you care for, rest assured your family member or loved one will be taken care of in a lovely residential care home.
Coate Water Care owns and manages care homes in Swindon, Wiltshire, Devizes, Hampshire, Gloucester, Warwickshire and Worcestershire and at every one we have invested heavily in making sure we provide the very latest care home facilities and medical technology in hotel standard surroundings.
However, we never lose sight of the fact that the ‘care’ in ‘care homes’ is provided by people and we firmly believe that the best way to guarantee the most professional respite care possible is by investing in our ‘human capital’. Without our highly trained and dedicated staff it would be impossible to provide the caring and safe environment for respite care that we pride ourselves on.
Our respite care services are provided in Swindon, Wiltshire, Devizes, Gloucester, Hampshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire.
Let us help you find the right respite care for your loved ones. Please contact our Welcome Team on 01793 821200 to find out more.