For Dementia Action Week 2021, Dementia Friendly Swindon/Swindon Dementia Action Alliance is collaborating with a campaign called #think5 comprising 5 key messages, 5 statistics to consider, 5 days of online content and 5 days on Swindon 105.5 community radio, broadcasting at 9.30 am every morning.
The five days of content, most of which will be Zoom meetings, include:
Dementia friendly care in the community
Admiral Nurses: Helping families face dementia
Power of Attorney
What support is available
Dealing with challenging behaviour
Dementia Carers Support Group
Dementia Friends
Movement for the Mind
Singing for the Brain
Music for the Mind
click here for the full agenda
You can also view and book events for Dementia Action Week via the Eventbrite page
The 5 keys stats for the week are:
1. An estimated 850,000 people are living with dementia in the UK.
2. 52% of people in the UK know someone who has been diagnosed with a form of dementia.
3. One in 3 people born in the UK this year will develop dementia in their lifetime.
4. One in 14 people over 65 have dementia in the UK and one in 79 of the whole population.
5. In the UK, dementia is the only condition in the top 10 causes of death without a treatment to prevent, cure or slow its progression.
The Swindon Dementia Action Alliance was formed in 2014 and is a community response to make Swindon more dementia friendly, improving the support and services available to people living with dementia and their carers in the local community.
Its main areas of action include ongoing and meaningful dialogue with people living with dementia and carers, improving access to dementia friendly activities, improving access to Swindon Borough Council services, engagement with and training local businesses to be ‘dementia friendly’, and improving the awareness of emergency services to the particular needs of people with dementia.
Coate Water Care CEO Geraldine Smith says: “Everybody at Coate Water Care has nothing but admiration for the work done by Dementia Friendly Swindon/Swindon Dementia Action Alliance, both in raising awareness and in terms of the practical support they provide. Dementia Action Week is a great opportunity for people to find out more about a condition that effects so many of us.”